Nickel Money

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  • NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - There's more change for your change, as another new U.S. Nickel is launched into general circulation. Mint released the latest in its series of.
  • Coin Values: Penny through Quarter - interactive quiz Coins for Candy - identify, know the value of, and compare the values of a penny, nickel, and dime How Much Money is This? - interactive quizzes.
Value ImageObverseReverse


Abraham Lincoln
16th U.S. President
The Lincoln Memorial
Thomas Jefferson
3rd U.S. President
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
32nd U.S. President

Olive Branch,
Oak Branch.

George Washington
1st U.S. President
American Bald Eagle


John F. Kennedy
35th U.S. President
The Presidential Seal
Susan B. Anthony
Golden Dollar
Soaring Eagle and 17 Stars
George Washington
1st U.S. President
Thomas Jefferson
3rd U.S. President
Signing of the Declaration of Independence
Abraham Lincoln
16th U.S. President
Alexander Hamilton
1st U.S. Treasury Secretary
U.S. Treasury
Andrew Jackson
7th U.S. President
Ulysses S. Grant
18th U.S. President
U.S. Capitol
Benjamin Franklin
William McKinley
25th U.S. President
'Five Hundred Dollars'
Grover Cleveland
22nd/24th U.S. President
James Madison
4th U.S. President
'Five Thousand Dollars'
Salmon P. Chase
25th U.S. Treasury Secretary
Woodrow Wilson
28th U.S. President
'One Hundred Thousand Dollars'
* no longer in circulation

50 Most Valuable Nickels

Nickel moneycontrol

A nickel is a five-cent coin struck by the United States Mint.Composed of 75% copper and 25% nickel, the piece has been issued since 1866.Its diameter is.835 inches (21.21 mm) and its thickness is.077 inches (1.95 mm). Nickel is a silvery white shiny metal used primarily for corrosion-resistant alloys and to produce grades of stainless steel. Nickel has excellent chemical properties and is also used in.

Money Facts

  • Quarters, nickels, and dimes are currently made from nickel and copper.

  • Pennies are currently made from copper plated zinc.

  • Coins with ridges were originally made with precious metals. The ridges were used to easily detect people clipping or filing off these precious metals.

  • A U.S. Quarter has 119 grooves on its circumference. A dime has 118 grooves.

  • Lincoln faces to the right because the penny was an adaptation of a plaque.

  • E Pluribus Unum means 'Out of Many, One'.

  • On the back of a Roosevelt dime, the center torch signifies liberty. The oak branch to the right signifies strength and independence. The olive branch to the left signifies peace.

  • On an American one dollar bill, there is an owl in the upper left-hand corner of the '1' encased in the 'shield' and a spider hidden in the front upper right-hand corner.

  • The law prohibits portraits of living persons from appearing on Government

  • Currency paper is composed of 25% linen and 75% cotton.

Nickel Money Picture

Printable Page


Nickel Money Facts For Kids


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